Do you have a story to tell? According to Flannery O’Connor, “Anyone who has survived childhood has enough material to write for his or her life.” This course will provide a relaxed, entertaining, and supportive environment for memoir writing. No previous writing experience is needed, just the desire to peek into the corners of your life and write 10 minutes a day about what you remember. The stories you tell will delight and enlighten your family and friends for generations to come. Preference will be given to those new to this course.
Instructor Caroline Janover is an award-winning author of four novels and a play for children and young adults. A recipient of the New Jersey Governor’s Outstanding Teacher Award, Caroline has spent her professional career working in public and private school education. Caroline has dyslexia and lectures nationally about the creative gifts and academic challenges of children with learning differences and ADHD. She is currently working on a memoir. NOTE:There will be no class on May 4.
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