Coastal Senior College (CSC) has an active program of fall and spring walks. Now to complement our wandering, we turn to wondering about the practice of walking: why we walk, when we walk, where we walk, how we walk, and with whom we walk. We will read selections from some of the greatest minds who pondered these aspects of walking from Thoreau to the present: nature writers, travel writers, philosophers, psychologists, poets, scientists, historians, educators, and explorers. We will discuss the myriad ways and genres in which wide-ranging experts have worked to chronicle their thoughts and surroundings on excursions by foot. Finally, we will share our own walking experiences, methods of capturing our impressions, and suggestions for good walking places in Midcoast Maine.
Instructor Jayne Gordon has coordinated the spring and fall walks for CSC for the past two years, and has taught CSC courses on various aspects of history, landscape, and literature for the past five years. A public historian and educator for more than 50 years, she was the former Director of Education and Public Programs of the Massachusetts Historical Society, and this year will be awarded the Thoreau Society’s Distinguished Service Award. Jayne currently serves as President of CSC.
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